Day of Mindfulness with Vari McLuskie: No Mud No Lotus

Join us this November for a retreat day with Vari McLuskie from Plum Village UK.

Vari was ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1995 into the Order of Interbeing and as a lay Dharma teacher in 2012. She has shared mindfulness in corporate settings as well as through Plum Village UK retreats and the Be Calm, Be Happy courses which she co-developed.

She is joining us to lead a day of mindfulness on the theme: No Mud, No Lotus.

“If we can learn to see and skillfully engage with both the presence of happiness and the presence of suffering, we will go in the direction of enjoying life more. Everyday we will go a little further in that direction, and eventually we realize that suffering and happiness are not two separate things.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

At this day we will have the chance to slow down and to enjoy the peace and nourishment of a day of mindfulness, where we can look deeply into the Art of Happiness (the Lotus) and the Art of Suffering (the Mud). This will provide us with both practical ways to engage mindfulness to benefit us in our daily life but also the opportunity to touch the spiritual dimension underlying all of life.

There will be a number of different activities including guided, walking and silent meditations, gentle movement, dharma teaching, mindful eating, inquiry and sharing.

When: Saturday, 30th of November 10:00-16:00
Where: Kingston Quaker Centre

Please choose the type of ticket you can afford:
– Supporter: £25 (to support those who have less means to come)
– Regular: £20
– Supported: £15

If you would love to come and cannot afford the supported rate, we have a limited number of concessionary tickets available at £5. Please contact us at to enquire.

There are 30 tickets total available for this retreat. Once the tickets are sold out, waiting list will be in operation.

On the Day:

Registration will open from 09:30. We will begin the day at 10:00.

Wear something comfortable – we will be doing a little mindful movement and stretching. We sit on chairs but you are welcome to bring your own meditation cushion as well.

Please bring some vegetarian or vegan food to share for lunch if you feel comfortable sharing, otherwise bring your own lunch.

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