Online Sangha


You are very welcome to join our online sangha. We now host a joint in-person and online. The meeting will start at 7:30pm using Zoom:

If you don’t have a PC or smart phone you can also dial in using one of these numbers:
+44 208 080 6592
+44 203 481 5240
+44 208 080 6591
And use Meeting ID 88 9 7654321 and passwd: 123321
(Calls are at a standard rate and will be included in any minutes you have.)

Top tips:

  • When you click on the link it will prompt you to download the Zoom client if you don’t yet have it. Or you can download the Zoom client on your PC or the Zoom app on your phone for Android or iPhone.
  • If you are new to Zoom we the meeting will be open from 7:15pm and we recommend you connect early to iron out technical difficulties and avoid unnecessary stress. 🙂
  • If you are comfortable with Zoom please join at 7:25pm
  • Make sure you are sitting comfortably in a place where you won’t be disturbed.

We expect the group to last about 1 hour to 1 hour 15mins. It will have a similar format to the normal group, but nothing is fixed yet whilst we adjust to this new way of being together. During most of the practices, we will be muting the group members so that everyone can relax. There will be some time for sharing and we hope that it will still feel like a sangha.

Please bear with us for the first few meetings whilst we iron out any technical difficulties and get used to the platform. If you have a problem, common Zoom questions and difficulties are covered here and we are happy to help you too.

Your feedback and suggestions will be much appreciated. We will do the best we can. And we invite you to come back to your breath if things aren’t working the way that you want, breathe right down into your belly for a few breaths and if you can find a smile for yourself.  And perhaps consider – why should everything always go your way?

Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? ~ Rumi


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